Categories for Projects

June 5, 2024

Taking Control of Quality Control

Dodge Construction Network forecasts $112 billion in project starts, with demand soaring for new facilities and infrastructure updates. However, the industry's 30% rework rate costs...

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June 3, 2024

5 Ways to Enhance Construction Quality Management

Ensuring high-quality construction is essential for the success and longevity of any project. Effective quality management practices enhance the overall durability and performance of a...

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June 3, 2024

Newbanks’ Specialty Services

Embarking on a construction project is to set sail into unknown waters. Every venture presents its own unique challenges, demanding careful navigation and strategic planning....

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May 29, 2024

14 Steps to Understanding the Construction Process

Embarking on a construction project can be exciting yet daunting. Whether you're planning to build a new home, renovate an existing property, or undertake a...

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May 28, 2024

How Artificial Intelligence is Making Every Step of Preconstruction Easier

Dive into the game-changing role of Artificial Intelligence in preconstruction. Discover how AI is streamlining every step of the process, making it easier than ever...

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May 16, 2024

Strategic Cost Estimation for Contractors in 2024

Navigating the construction industry in 2024? Dive into this article to uncover the complexities, challenges, and strategies behind precise cost estimation. Learn how it shapes...

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May 8, 2024

Importance of Scheduling in Construction Projects

Elevate your construction project to success with meticulous scheduling! Ensure timely completion, optimize resource allocation, and minimize downtime. Identify critical paths, manage dependencies, and mitigate...

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May 1, 2024

Adapting to Change: How Construction Consulting Responds to Industry Trends

In the dynamic landscape of the construction industry, change is the only constant. Construction projects are growing rapidly due to technological advancements in materials and...

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January 31, 2024

Construction Oversight: Insights from Newbanks, Inc.

As Newbanks, Inc., a stalwart in construction consulting since our establishment in 1961, we take pride in setting the gold standard for excellence. Our foundation,...

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